Hi, I’m Sandra! I help conscious souls realize they already have the power, knowledge and answers inside so they can stop looking to others for approval and validation and finally trust themselves.
I’ve had to learn how to trust myself over the years, because I didn’t for so long. I used to look to others for the answers.
And when those answers didn’t resonate with what I knew deep down, my physical, emotional and spiritual bodies rebelled. They rebelled like crazy. And it was exhausting.
Through my own emotional and spiritual work, I began to see how experiences and events spanning over decades were impacting the beliefs I held about myself, others and the world.
I was boxed in by old stories that simply weren’t true. And those stories & beliefs were ultimately impacting my daily life and keeping me small.
The more I acknowledged, sat with and worked through these deeper beliefs, the more I was able to release. And the more I released, the more I began to trust my whole self fully and completely.
And I want to help you do the same… slowly, lovingly and consistently. Because trust me when I say, you are so much greater than that box. Your gifts and your light are so much bigger than what that tiny box can hold and it’s time to bust out, love bug!
It’s time to be and share the whole you.
As creatives, leaders, teachers and/or healers, we aren’t meant to do this work alone. I know how much you give. I also know that asking for support takes strength & courage.
My gifts, experiences and trainings
Intuitive GUIDANCE
I use my gift of intuition to help you connect in deeper ways to your intuition and to Spirit. I share what asks to come through always from a place of Love in a way that empowers, uplifts, creates clarity & connection and brings peace. We do this work together and we only go to the places that it’s time to go to. This is a practice of consent, deep trust and connection to Source energy.
Energy work and Energy Medicine are very real and often ancient practices that help open and reinstate our natural flow of energy in and around our bodies. We often see what happens on the energetic realm eventually show up in our physical experiences. We work together to help release what it is time to release and allow in what it is time to receive.
This pranayama breathwork pattern is an active meditation technique that allows us to tap into our feeling bodies and release what we hold consciously and unconsciously. It’s a beautiful practice that once learned, can be continued as regular support. We connect you to your breath and body in a profound and sacred way through our divine breath.
core values that inform my work
you are your greatest healer
I truly believe that we are our greatest healers. While a practitioner can help immensely along the journey, it is up to each of us to really do the work. A good practitioner acts like a guide on the trail and ultimately empowers you to keep showing up for yourself. Change is always possible if we are open.
healing is a process
The work is layered. Healing is a continual process that involves delving into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It may feel really hard some days AND it can feel easeful, joyful and even be laughter filled. It’s a both/and type situation.
our healing extends to others
As we do the work and heal various aspects of ourselves and facets of our life, we unknowingly heal those around us. We heal our lineage. We become generational healers and the effects of our work ripple out in powerful ways that we cannot imagine.
THERE ARE MANY PATHS TO economic justice
Often us healers feel that we need to give and over give to make up for all that feels wrong in the world. This ultimately leaves us burnt out and unwell while our businesses created to nourish are actually a source of great stress. Economic justice is not just one person’s duty yet something we collectively do. As healers, we must navigate our contribution to economic justice while also nourishing our own financial, emotional and physical wellbeing. Currently, some ways I contribute to economic justice are through free breathwork experiences and groups that I share with my newsletter list and offerings at varied price points.
my journey to healing work
I completed my Master's in Education with a specialization in Montessori education from Loyola College in Maryland and have both AMI Toddler (birth to 3 years of age) and AMI Primary (3-6 years of age) diplomas from The Montessori Institute of San Diego. Working with children has been the greatest gift! It not only forced me to deal with my own stuff, but has taught me how our unmet needs, experiences and beliefs as kiddos impact our adult life. Working with children, families and Heads of School over the years, has been the guiding force that led me and opened me up to intuitive healing. It was actually a Head of School who told me for the first time, “You are not a Montessori consultant. You are a healer. You are helping me heal.”
I completed my undergrad education at the University of Michigan in Communication Studies and French Studies. I initially had dreams of being a journalist, travelling the world using my French, Spanish and tiny bit of Arabic and capturing all sorts of stories! In many ways, I’m living out this dream.
I have worked in Toddler classrooms (18 months-3 years), Primary classrooms (3-6 years), in Administration running a Montessori school in San Diego and as a Family Coach working with both families and schools as a coach and consultant. You can read more about my journey through Montessori here and here.
I have been developing my own self-care, emotional and spiritual practices since I was a child. It started with my first book on Ayurveda as a kid and since then includes a variety of practices and modalities. I’m a big fan of having lots of tools in your tool belt. Some of mine are transcendental meditation, Thetahealing®, breathwork, stream of consciousness journaling and a plant based diet.
In 2017, I was in a car accident that wrecked me emotionally. I suffered from severe PTSD and my nervous system was shut down. It was through modalities such as breathwork, EMDR therapy and consistent chiropractic care that I was able to heal just in time for a life changing diagnosis a year later. In some ways that divine car accident helped save my life.
I’m such a believer in the power of Breathwork, an active meditation technique, that I completed the Levels 1-3 training with David Elliot where we learned to fall deeper into our practice, as well as teach this technique 1-1 and in group settings. I am grateful to my dear friend and first Breathwork teacher, Amy Kuretsky, who helped guide the way.
While moving through my own health challenge in 2018, I benefitted immensely from receiving Thetahealing® sessions. This work helped me so much that I was moved to learn the practice for myself and to help others. I received my training in Basic Theta healing as well as Advanced Theta healing over the course of 2019 with Alexis Davis in San Diego. I am grateful to Alex Payton who was a part of my healing journey and encouraged me to take these trainings. Thetahealing® has taken my intuitive sessions to another level that are truly Spirit led. I have become more of a channel for the highest & best that wants to come through for each client and this work amazes me every single time. I am also grateful to Laura Lynne Jackson in the ways that she shows up & shares and normalizes connection with Source and loved ones on the other side. Her books “Signs” and “The Light Between Us” truly helped me find deeper peace in my work and gifts.
Since 2017 I have been doing the work, every single day. And I mean every single day. So I truly practice what I teach and share. I will never ask you to do something that I haven’t been doing myself. You can read more about some of the medicine I’ve received through the mess here.